Friday, June 17, 2005

Yashica Electro GSN

I just got one of these babies off eBay for... wait for it... €15 inc p&p. Ok, it needs surgery, but it's clean as a whistle. I'm told they have some of the best glass in the business too... fast (f1.7) and sharp.

So now I don't need to worry about straining my back ;) carrying my F801 or F90 around the place.

I got this because a few weeks back I saw a great picture, but had no camera with me. They say the best camera available is the one you have with you...

Hate Campaign

This hate campaign by various disgruntled ex-employees is really taking it out of me. I mean, I was insecure enough about my position up to now, being somewhat bound in terms of job prospects by impending ankle surgery, but this? I hope it all just goes away.

It sounds childish, but all I want is to do my job, get paid and have a fairly relaxed life... not too much to ask, is it?


I'm going to get a decent coffee maker for work... I'm fucking tired of freeze-dried crap.